CarolAnn Seaman
Like most people, at least most artists, I tend to doodle. It keeps my hands busy, and helps me think. I have been doodling the same swirly rose with loopy leaf pattern for a couple of years now. My sewing room walls are decorated with it, my letters and cards are full of them. This year, I etched my rose doodle out of the inside of an auction bowl that I had painted a very pretty periwinkle blue, creating a relief pattern in white on blue. Then I painted the edges with the same design in a darker blue as a reverse (blue on white). The meandering striped border between the two colors is reminiscent of the edging on a quilt. It’s kinda simple and complicated at the same time!
Leavenworth has been my home for 24 years. I came here to open The Gingerbread Factory, which I enjoyed until selling it to raise my family. My creativity has taken many forms beyond the Bachelor of Fine Arts I earned in college; gingerbread and cakes, graphic design and photography, quilting, cooking, drawing and some painting. I love to work with recyclables, making something useful or fun out of throw-a-ways. I enjoyed hosting a few ‘Doll Camps’ with my daughter for girls to explore making little clothes and furniture out of collected materials.
Thanks to all the Empty Bowls volunteers!